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Level Up Your Lead Generation: Building Your Perfect Target Audience

March 20, 2020

Level Up Your Lead Generation

There are a variety of audiences that your product could work for, but for your company to thrive you need to make sure you’re marketing to the right audience for lead generation. This can be tricky as every platform has a different way to choose audiences; however, we have some key ways to define your audience across all platforms. Already know you need some help? Contact us today.

Lead Generation Demographics

Identify Your Target Audience

Your target audience is simply the specific group of people you would like to target with your lead generation ads.. Think about your product and service and who would be interested enough to interact with your digital ads. At Rearview, we like to think of our audiences as specific character profiles – this helps in writing content because you will have a “person” that you are trying to sell to. 

Character profiles may include information for an ideal customer, such as 

    • Gender 
    • Age 
    • Location 
    • Income level 
    • Personal interests 
    • And where they spend their screen time the most.

Let’s continue with the example from our introduction to lead generation blog. You have now finalized your line of skincare products and have decided to start running ads for your body cream. You’ve chosen 5 different scents from floral to fruity and will be selling an 8oz bottle for $20. These details  – scent, price point, product category – will help you narrow down your customer profile. With a little research, you’ll determine exactly the kind of person likely to buy your product – and you can sell directly to them.  

Speak Directly to Them

When creating any content to promote your business, you want to ensure you are using a consistent voice that matches your brand image. Your customer profiles will provide you with a general description to keep in mind when you are creating content – making you more likely to target the correct audience, with a voice that not only matches your company, but your audience’s interests.

Lead Generation Quantity vs Quality

Create Content: Quantity vs Quality

Now that you have discovered the right audience for your company – it’s time to make some stellar digital content. Each platform is different in the number of posts that is optimal, but one thing you want to make sure of is that you are not spamming your audience.  User experience (UX) is also key. If your landing page isn’t easy to navigate, there’s a good chance your consumers won’t even try. Finally, test your ads. Whether you change the graphics, copy, or button text, testing different ads will show you what works best for your company. 

Level Up Your Lead Generation with Rearview

Reaching Your Audience

When creating ads, it’s important to know your audience and how to talk to them. As you begin creating ads, you may realize that you need some assistance planning and strategizing – let us help! Contact us for more information on creating audiences for your lead generation. Don’t forget to check back for updates on platform-specific lead generation, including Facebook, Google, blogs, and emails. 


Read the Entire Series:

Week 1: Level Up Your Digital Lead Generation

Week 2: Building Your Audience

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