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Keep Visitors Longer for More Conversions

August 11, 2020

keep visitors longer for more conversions

Your website is your most valuable marketing tool, and if you set it up right, it’ll become a lightning rod for conversions. We’ve covered a few web design strategies for getting people onto your site – but to get more conversions you’ll want to keep visitors around longer. That’s what you’ll learn in today’s article, read on for our tips to keeping visitors longer.

build your site for easy navigation to get more conversions - mobile counts too!

Build for Easy Navigation

Your basic site structure and layout are an important part of keeping folks on the site. Make it obvious where users can get what they’re looking for by adding clear navigation elements. Also, be sure to check how your navigation looks and functions on a mobile phone. Mobile navigation is very different from desktop navigation, and as we’ve mentioned before, a large percentage of users these days view websites on their mobile devices.

Strengthen Connections with Intrasite Links

Enticing internal links will lower your bounce rate and raise that precious time on site. For example, at the bottom of a blog article page, you could offer related articles. When using text links, make sure the content on those pages is what readers would expect – use clear anchor text and provide plenty of context, and ensure the content they land on is quality.

Create Intelligent, Adaptive Content

Speaking of content, yours should be well-developed. First, choose whether each piece should be long form or short and skimmable. Make this decision by thinking about your audience and what they came to your site for. If they’re coming for in-depth information, long form is best. If they want to take an action, skimmable (with plenty of links and buttons) may be the way to go.

engaging imagery includes wonderful product photos, like this one for a homebuilder

Pick and Choose Engaging Images

It’s fairly simple, websites are a visual medium and you should give the visual thinkers something to chew on. That means that content pages, blog posts, and your homepage should have strong design elements throughout. Coordinating that yourself can be difficult – give us a call to talk about how you can have clear, consistent design and beautiful photos throughout your site without lifting a finger.

Make the Call to Action Clear

Finally, give your website visitors the opportunity or a push to do what you wanted them to. With a strong call to action, you can guide a visitor over to another part of the site to interact for a little longer. Buttons and easy-to-use forms make your CTA even simpler to follow through on – so make elements like those easy to spread around your site. (like the form below, where you can reach out to us about any additions you might want to make to your website)

Keep Visitors Longer, Get More Conversions

If you follow these tips, you’ll see a longer average time on site, and that creates better opportunities for conversions. Implementation, however, is a different story. It takes a team of developers, designers, and SEM experts to do the real heavy lifting on sitewide initiatives like these. Rearview is your secret weapon – with an entire retinue of marketing professionals ready to focus on improving your site at a moment’s notice. Call us and discuss how you can improve conversions on your site, then get ready to see the difference Rearview Advertising can make in your results.

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