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Get Better Leads From Digital Advertising – 6 tricks

June 9, 2020

get better leads from digital advertisingIf you’re putting money toward digital advertising platforms like Google and Facebook Ads, they should be generating better quality leads. If it seems like you’re getting unqualified leads (or no leads) from these platforms, don’t worry. Here are six tricks you can use to improve your leads from digital advertising.

1. Don’t let a Robot Waste Your Money

Often you’ll find automated options available on these platforms – such as automatic placements for Facebook Ads. Their algorithm automatically determines that… Just about every placement is the right one for your ad. That’s nonsense. You don’t want to waste money fishing in the wrong places for leads – get a real team who can actually determine the best placements for your ads. Call Rearview.

Create better leads with digital advertising - matchmake your ads

2. Matchmake Your Ads with Your Audience

Show your audiences what they want to see. That is, don’t serve the exact same ads to every audience. Your ad content should relate to your audience – the headline, body copy, and image – to create higher quality leads. Potential customers with a more personal interest in your product are more likely to convert.

3. Get a View from All Angles

Google Analytics is telling you something different from your Facebook pixel – and the data you collect from your site seems to be slightly different as well. Each of these platforms paints a different picture. Understand the data as a whole, and you can generate better leads knowing what your users respond to when they click on one of your ads.

4. Optimize your Landing Page, Optimize it Again (and Again)

Create a landing page that is optimized to your objectives, and you’ll get the quality leads you want. Whether you want more leads, more qualified leads, or something else, we know how to create a phenomenal landing page – just take a look at our digital services page for a little inspiration (then give us a call to make it a reality).

better leads come from the right spending strategy

5. Meet Them at Every Stage

Another case that’s different based on your needs – where is the ideal customer in your sales cycle? Need more fresh eyes? Interest from people already in negotiations? Somewhere in between? Making the right selection between retargeting users, pulling in warm traffic, or getting cold traffic means more of the leads you want. Read about the sales cycle and the marketing flywheel in our previous blog.

6. Hire a Team with the Right Experience

Marketing is complex, and it takes a well-trained, sophisticated marketer to avoid wasting money. Don’t take chances. Call Rearview Advertising to see how you can maximize your ROI.

Better Marketing, Better Leads

Take the next step to better quality leads – fill out the form below and tell us about your marketing goals. We can get you there with digital advertising, and all the other tools you need for success.

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