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We’ve Been Reacting on Facebook for a Whole Year

February 16, 2017

It has been about a year since Facebook changed up how we respond to posts on our News Feeds. We moved from only being allowed to like things to now being able to love, be wowed, and even be angry at things our Friends post. When Facebook first created these bad boys they focused on six main reactions that users expressed the most in their daily use while scrolling through, the reactions include the all standard “like” followed by “love,” “haha,”  “wow,” “sad,” and “angry”.



In honor of this purposeful occasion, we thought it’d be fun to ask everyone in the office which one is their favorite to use on Facebook!

  • Like- 0
  • Love- 4
  • Haha- 3
  • Wow- 3
  • Sad- 0
  • Angry- 0

Which reaction is your favorite? How has the way you respond on Facebook changed over the last year since the reactions appeared? Let us know!


Happy Reacting!

(Header image: :emotify)

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