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Structuring Your Marketing Emails

January 29, 2020

Structuring your marketing emails

Email anxiety, it’s real. If you’ve ever had to send an important email, you’ve probably found yourself double and triple-checking every word, and rearranging things a dozen times to make sure it looks organized for your recipient. You may have had the same feeling when it comes to structuring your marketing emails, but fear not! Rearview has the direction and skills to help you take your email structure to the next level. Email marketing layout and structure is both an art and a science. When mastered, strategically structuring your emails may be what sets your business apart.

Cut to the Chase

When your subscribers have a clear understanding of what the email is really about, you start to see stellar results. Start by establishing a clear message – a focal point for your subscribers. Your goal is to get readers to open your email as soon as they see the subject line. Concise, direct and positive is the name of the game. The same can be said for the preview text. Carefully crafted preview text is often the deciding factor on an open or an ignore. Readers are more likely to open emails if the content appears custom-tailored, or if it’ll benefit them in some way. Get creative with your subject lines and preview texts to rise above the status quo.

Lay it on Thin

Adding too much text in the body of your marketing emails is a surefire way of losing your subscribers’ interest. Think about exactly what you want to convey, and stick to it. A good rule of thumb is to simplify until there is no simpler way to put your message. Arrange information in a pyramid-like flow, where the most important things are at the top. Readers who are in a rush or just skimming will get your point right away. You can also use headings and bullet points to make your email clear and concise. Finally, For a large amount of information, utilize links! Send your subscribers to a page or your website for more information, rather than including it in the body of your email, to save space for things like buttons and calls to action (CTAs).

Heed the Call to Action

CTAs are powerful little tools. Thoughtfully placed CTAs provide your subscribers with a way to learn more about the content within your marketing email. Utilizing CTAs as buttons or links is a fast and easy way of motivating people to act. Popular calls to action are often messages such as “Buy now” or “Sign up”. However, be aware that overusing CTAs within one email can overwhelm a reader. Subscribers don’t want to feel confused with too many calls to action, because that can make your email appear “spammy”. Do, however, make your limited CTAs obvious and important. Making your links and buttons a different color than the rest of your email body and using white space around them draws attention.


So, there you have it! Structuring your marketing emails doesn’t have to seem so daunting or intimidating anymore. Get clear and direct with your wording, pick the right structure, and use CTAs strategically to take your email marketing to the next level. Need more help laying out your emails in just the right way? At Rearview Advertising, we’re experts on campaign design and email structure. We’ll take your email strategy and grow it into a winning, effective system. Don’t take chances with your campaign. Contact us to find out more about how you can level up your email marketing with Rearview Advertising. And, follow us on Facebook for more advice on leveling up your marketing efforts.


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